Saturday, December 28, 2024

Happy New Year FTU AI Tutorial


*click on image to see full size*

FTU AI Easy Tag Pack by Miggins called 'Celestial New Year'  HERE

Thank you Miggins ♥

Please check out her entire blog for many freebies HERE

Template 1 included in above pack

DD_GeoMask2, no longer available but any mask will do.
2025 Word Art by myself HERE
Optional Plugins: Xero Fritillary & Filters Unlimited 2.0
Font for Word Art: Will & Grace
Font for name ~ FFF Galaxy
D/S of choice or 2/-1, 55, 5 colour black

1. Open template 1 from easy pack misc.
delete raster 1, layer 013, 012, 011
NRL, move it to very bottom, flood fill white.

2.  Beginning from layer 001, select all, float defloat, NRL
open paper 19 ~ 40%, copy & paste-into selection. d/s
close layer 001.
Select layer 002, select all, float, defloat, NRL
open paper 13, resize 40%, C/paste-into selection, d/s
close layer 002. 
Take rectangular selection tool,
draw an area around left paper layer, float, defloat, promote selection to a layer
select raster 3, delete. 
Rotate the promoted layer 90 degrees to left.
select raster 3, rotate 90 degrees to left, then image ~ mirror.
Arrange these small box layers according to reference tag.

3.  Select layer 003, select all, float, defloat
open paper 17, resize 40%, C/Paste as a new layer
invert selection, delete, invert selection, modifty selection ~ expand by 4 px
select flood fill tool, change foreground colour to #ad8749, background colour to black
select gradient tab, set angle to 45, repeats 1, flood fill the two selected areas. d/s.
Add noise to these gradient layers or use filter Xero-Fritillary
setting:  6, 61, 88, 22. Sharpen More. Move this layer
below paper 17 layers.
close layer 003.

4. Open image 32, we are going extract the clock from the center.
Using selection tool, choose 'circle' selection in drop-down menu.
Draw a rough circle around clockface, starting at very center of clock.
expand selection slightly beyond clockface. 
Find Selections on top menu bar,
Edit Selection, choose pick tool, resize selection to exact size of clock face
using the arrows.
When happy, return to Edit Selection ~ promote selection to a new layer.
d/s. Resize this clock layer 40%
C/P over layer004 on right. Duplicate, mirror. Flip horizontal.
Arrange so this clock is over left grey circle.
Close layer 004.

5.  Select layer 005, select all, float, defloat, invert
 Open paper 37, resize 40%, C/P as new layer, delete. d/s
Duplicate, image flip horizontal
Erase the right half of this paper so we see paper layer from below (seen as mirror image).

Select layer007, select all, float, defloat
NRL, open paper 38 ~ 40%, C/Paste into the selection.
Do not deselect
modify expand selection by 5, NRL
flood fill with same gradient as earlier (gold/black) except
select invert (colours) in gradient settings. d/s
Move this layer below the paper 38 layer.
Add noise to this gradient or add the Fritillary plugin as earlier.

6.  Select layer008, select all, float, defloat, invert
open paper 40 ~ 30%
C/Paste as new layer, delete. d/s

Select layer009, select all, float, defloat,
NRL, open paper 23 ~ 40%, C/Paste into the selection. d/s
Repeat with layer010
except flood fill NRL with colour #f0e7c7
Apply Filters Unlimited 2.0 ~ paper texture: Japanese paper, default setting
or use texture of choice.
Open image 25, resize 50%, mirror
C/P over yellow circle layer
select all layer 010, float, defloat, invert
erase bottom part of tube (image 25)
that extends beyond bottom of circle selection. d/s
D/S tube layer

7.  Now customize your tag, resize a few elements
and place them at various layers within layers palette for added dimension:
image 21 ~ 30%
image 16 ~ 65% place above white bg
Add NRL, select all
Open & copy paper 38, paste into the selection. d/s
Apply mask of choice.
image 29 ~ 30%, place lower right anywhere above layer006
image 73 ~ 70%, place above masked layer
Add any other elements of choice.
Add gold/black gradient border to any other layers you wish.
D/S any layers you desire.

Resize entire tag using bicubic, lock aspect ratio
and resize all layers.

8.  Add copyright, url, & name. Delete white bg.
Merge visible, save as a png.

I hope you enjoy this tut! 

I also made an avatar & banner to match.

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