Friday, July 21, 2023

Charming Pirate ~ CT Tutorial

A PSP tutorial using the
Stunning AI Scrap kit by Curious Creative Dreams
called Charming Pirate available HERE
This charming AI kit has 100 Elements,
10 Frames & 20 Papers

Mask by JusfFi called JustFi_Mask002
found HERE
Sadly her website is no longer so its supplied for you
I do so with most respect to her creations.
Heavy drop shadow of choice
Font used is Pirate Grunge

1. Open a new transparent bg 750 x 775 px
flood fill the layer white.  We will resize later.
Add NRL, flood fill with foreground colour #520406
Apply JustFi_Mask002
Merge group.
Open frame 4 ~ 50%, C/P upper right, duplicate, move
copy lower left
Using magic wand, click inside of frame, expand selection by 5 px
Add NRL, flood fill black. Move black fill below frame.
Repeat for other frame.

2.  Now to build your tag:
add the following elements or elements of choice
el 17 ~ F/S
el 13 ~ 50%
el 8 ~ 40%
el 2 ~ 10%
el 4 ~ 15%
el 5 ~ 20%
el 20 ~ 20%
el 48 ~ 50%
el 94 ~ 75%
el 45 ~ 50%
el 39 ~ 20%
el 35 ~ 30%
el 20 ~ 25%
el 49 ~ 20%
el 43 ~ 20%
el 44 ~  15%
el 50 ~ 20%
el 12 ~ 20%
el 9 ~ 10% rotate 10 deg to right
el 11 ~ 20%,  rotate 10 deg to left
el 40 ~ 10%
el 10 ~ 10%
el 82 ~ 25 %
el 83 ~ 25%
el 23 ~ 40%
el 54 ~ 50%
el 7 ~ 20%
el 46 ~ 25%
el 19 ~ 22%

3.  Add dropshadow to most elements
except netting: use 1/1/50/1 black
Sharpen elements only once

4. Crop ~ merged opaque
Resize entire tag to desired height or approx 700 px
Add copyright, url, watermark & name.
Merge visible &
save as a PNG

Thank you for trying this tutorial.

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